Thursday, 20 September 2012

APQP, APQP PPAP, QFD, FMEA, DFMA, SWOT and 8D on-line training

Announcing our on-line Product Development training courses show how to successfully operate the various product development quality tools and business development tools available. The courses are targeted at those involved in delivering new goods, services or processes and are written in English. The courses are on:
  • QFD
  • FMEA
  • DFMA
  • SWOT
  • 8D

The intent of all our web based training courses is to impart the capability to use the required tool. Each training course comes with all the necessary free downloads to enable the trainee to start using the tool immediately. No special software required.

Access to these great on-line training courses is time limited and not usage limited. Once payment has been received we will issue a user name and a keycode that gives unlimited user access to the training course. This user name and keycode can be used as many times as needed and by as many individuals as needed.

Another great solution by Product Development Consultants


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